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  • Writer's pictureAisling Salisbury

My Trip to Australia - Quarantine Day Eleven #noRona

Day 11 (technically 10) - Tuesday, June 8th 2021

A lucky start to the day as we finish our virtual class just before 0630 which means I can jump straight into bed whilst the sun is still down, however, it doesn't stop me from snapping this pic of the sunrise.

You know what they say. "Red Sky morning, Sailor takes warning."

Unfortunately, I know I'm not going to get any proper sleep as I get the knock on the door for breakfast, which forces me to get out of bed to collect it. I do so then crawl back into bed and go to sleep, but 90mins later I get the "are you alive call". Then I go back to bed and sleep until I get the knock on the door for lunch. Today it comes at 12:30 so I figure I probably got six hours of interrupted sleep. But that doesn't count the large amount of 15-minute power naps I had during the class, no not during the class, but when there were the 15-minute breaks between sessions. I'm sure my American colleagues went and grabbed a coffee during these times but I went to bed for a power nap to get me through the next 45 minutes. As for my lunch break, it was a 45minute nap.

Besides doing some study in the afternoon and trying to stay awake. My afternoon was totally uneventful. But a nice Barra for dinner again was wonderful. It appears that the rolling menu begins to rotate again in the second week, makes sense if the food is good, but if it was horrible that would not be good at all.

As for the weather, the sailor was right as it buckets down with rain all day. Anyway, another late night/red-eye class awaits me tonight.

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